How do you define “great”? More importantly: do you and your bandmates share that definition? If not, is there someone in your band to whom you all defer on that topic? How do you make sure your band comes across “great” all the time? Paul and Dave think there’s another […]

The post The Definition of Great – Gig Gab Podcast 219 appeared first on Gig Gab.

How do you define “great”? More importantly: do you and your bandmates share that definition? If not, is there someone in your band to whom you all defer on that topic?

How do you make sure your band comes across “great” all the time?

Paul and Dave think there’s another word that helps this: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. And that comes in a lot of forms. Hear your two favorite weekend warriors talk about on-stage respect, in terms of both how to share frustrations as well as how to approach the substances-on-stage issue. Dress code comes up, as it always will because, after all, music is a visual art.

Or is it?

Listen to find out more!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 219 – July 15, 2019
00:00:44 Intro: Lots-o-Gigs!

The Cocktail Monkeys out of San Francisco

00:04:57 Intro: Multi-band gigs and song lists
00:07:01 R.E.S.P.E.C.T. spells a happy band
00:07:20 On-stage Frustration

“That tone doesn’t work for me”
The Bowling For Soup Lesson

00:17:05 Know your vibe
00:18:53 When to talk about substance issues
00:31:50 What if someone from Company X is in the audience?
00:32:48 Dave’s Dress Rant!
00:36:17 Are you a mess?
00:37:10 The definition of “Great”
00:44:40 The Phish “laid back” attitude
00:47:29 Live Music is a Visual Art
00:50:43 Ringo Sat in with Paul McCartney!

Drummer’s Resource with Greg Bissonette

00:53:42 GG 219 Outtro

The post The Definition of Great – Gig Gab Podcast 219 appeared first on Gig Gab.