Is your band for sale? Of course it is! Otherwise you’re not getting paid. And if your band is for sale, then who is the salesperson? Listen to hear your long-time Weekend Warriors put on the relevant parts of their weekDAY hats and talk through their process for selling … […]

The post Selling Your Band! – Gig Gab Podcast 148 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Is your band for sale? Of course it is! Otherwise you’re not getting paid. And if your band is for sale, then who is the salesperson? Listen to hear your long-time Weekend Warriors put on the relevant parts of their weekDAY hats and talk through their process for selling … anything. There’s lots to learn here this week, folks, and Dave and Paul are on fire with this one!

Then it’s time to answer a question about setlists, this time focused around managing the energy of the room… both while you’re playing and while you’re not.


00:00:00 Gig Gab 148 – Monday, January 8, 2018
00:00:57 Paul’s Booking Formula
00:04:10 Looking at the summer
00:07:08 Portraying comfortable confidence
00:10:20 Booking bands at the Pro level
00:12:45 If your band is great, it’s great. Other bookings are gravy.
00:15:45 Be on alert when things are on autopilot
00:16:38 Building trust with new booking contacts
00:21:00 Leveraging the relationships of all your bandmembers
00:25:01 The value of building community
00:26:49 48 years?!?!?
00:27:58 The value of brotherly-love
00:28:25 Integrating someone new into your band

Getting ready for immediate gigs

00:29:56 Learning the back catalog
00:32:42 Adding new tunes, too!

Chart Check!

00:36:34 Record your shows
00:38:19 Dan-Driving the energy with your setlist and flow?

The Clanky Lincolns

00:40:53 The flow of the set
00:41:39 Feel out the band
00:45:58 Own your own destiny
00:47:21 Make sure to warmup!
00:49:32 Harness the energy
00:50:44 But learn the energy first!
00:52:11 Managing the breaks!
00:54:24 Learn the way the room flow

The post Selling Your Band! – Gig Gab Podcast 148 appeared first on Gig Gab.