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Remember all the great gigs you’ve played? Guess what… your next gig could be one of those! Your favorite weekend warriors talk about creating those new memories by fueling your tank with the old ones. Dave watched “What Drives Us”, Paul saw Springsteen in the Killers’ new video, they’ve both […]

The post Savor The Moment — Gig Gab 308 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Remember all the great gigs you’ve played? Guess what… your next gig could be one of those! Your favorite weekend warriors talk about creating those new memories by fueling your tank with the old ones.

Dave watched “What Drives Us”, Paul saw Springsteen in the Killers’ new video, they’ve both been experimenting with Facebook to promote things, and they share their stories, successes, failures, and thoughts.

Plus a new piece of gear is on the scene!

Press play to hear it all…and remember, always be performing. You might just be playing your next favorite gig!

00:00:00 Gig Gab 308 – Wednesday, June 16, 2021
00:00:43 The State of Things
00:10:13 Dave saw a concert!
00:14:35 The Killers with Bruce Springsteen
00:18:23 What Drives Us – Dave Grohl ‘Van Touring’ Documentary

Robert Berry on Gig Gab
Savor each moment, don’t take the time on stage for granted.
The college circuit started with DOA and Black Flag
Gathering of the Tribe (not Vibes… Dave misspoke)

00:41:54 Event Promotion: Facebook to “tease” an event
00:51:00 CSF-Catapult Ethernet-based sub-snake $140
00:54:06 GG308 Outtro

The post Savor The Moment — Gig Gab 308 appeared first on Gig Gab.