Roberto R. Hernandez joins Paul and Dave to talk about the genesis of his new book, The Unstarving Musician’s Guide to Getting Paid Gigs. The discussion starts with how Roberto set about to write the book, and then opens up into more of a GigGab-style chat about some of the topics […]

The post Roberto R. Hernandez, The Unstarving Musician – GigGab 88 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Roberto R. Hernandez joins Paul and Dave to talk about the genesis of his new book, The Unstarving Musician’s Guide to Getting Paid Gigs. The discussion starts with how Roberto set about to write the book, and then opens up into more of a GigGab-style chat about some of the topics covered within. Relationship management, venue interaction, negotiating, personality and, yes folks, subbing are all on the list of topics your three Weekend Warriors discussed during this week’s GigGab. Listen to the podcast, then go check out the book!


00:00:00 GigGab 88 – October 31, 2016

00:01:38 Roberto R. Hernandez

00:02:28 The Unstarving Musician’s Guide to Getting Paid Gigs

00:02:50 WHY did you write this book

00:05:14 From Mindmap to Published Book!

00:07:55 Relationships matter above all

00:10:03 Venues have frustration, too.

00:11:45 It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

00:13:10 Advice from the book: Getting paid what you’re worth

00:15:12 Evaluating the ego check

00:16:10 What are you worth?

00:19:00 Negotiating with confidence

00:21:09 Don’t try to be the best musician in the room

00:23:36 Become the best sub in the world

00:29:31 The dark side of subbing

00:32:50 Tips from Roberto

00:35:00 Make your own Posters

00:37:00 Buy the Book!

The post Roberto R. Hernandez, The Unstarving Musician – GigGab 88 appeared first on Gig Gab.