Being a performer often means you get to be an invisible spectator… of the crowd who is watching you! Listen as Paul and Dave share some stories (new and old!) about what they’ve watched people do from the Working Musicians’ side of the fourth wall. Then it’s time to negotiate. […]

The post People Behaving Like People — Gig Gab 313 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Being a performer often means you get to be an invisible spectator… of the crowd who is watching you! Listen as Paul and Dave share some stories (new and old!) about what they’ve watched people do from the Working Musicians’ side of the fourth wall.

Then it’s time to negotiate. How do you ask for money? How do you know why someone said, “no”? Listen as your two favorite weekend warriors share their trials, tribulations, and advice. And remember: Always Be Performing!

00:00:00 Gig Gab 313 – Monday, July 19, 2021
00:02:33 Raymond-311-Went with the Electro-Voice EVOLVE 30M
00:05:00 Chafed–Same As It Ever Was
00:15:38 Bitter Pill–Angry Dude, Great Show
00:20:22 When an ‘OK’ gig trends bad
00:26:56 Negotiating is just a conversation
00:30:33 When do you mention price?

Always Be Following-Up (credit: Scott Jordan)
SaneBox’s SaneReminders
RFC = Reasons For Contact

00:43:29 GG 313 Outtro

The post People Behaving Like People — Gig Gab 313 appeared first on Gig Gab.