What happens when you or someone else starts the wrong song in the set? How do you handle a packed schedule full of multiple rehearsals and gigs in the same day? And how do you deal with a fellow musician who mocks what you do? These are the questions that […]

The post Musical Snobbery – GigGab 116 appeared first on Gig Gab.

What happens when you or someone else starts the wrong song in the set? How do you handle a packed schedule full of multiple rehearsals and gigs in the same day? And how do you deal with a fellow musician who mocks what you do?

These are the questions that your two favorite weekend warriors answer. Heck, they don’t just answer them, they live them. And they gab about them, GigGab style. Press play and enjoy!


00:00:00 GigGab 116 – Monday, May 22, 2017
00:01:11 Musical Snobbery
00:08:11 What happens when you put a music snob into the snobbiest music?
00:10:28 What songs do you perform?
00:11:48 The song pipeline
00:17:03 Sonos
00:19:45 Four gigs in 36 hours!
00:26:08 Proper preparation leads to … Great gigs!
00:29:17 Band allegiances
00:32:15 You skipped a song!
00:39:05 GG Outtro

The post Musical Snobbery – GigGab 116 appeared first on Gig Gab.