It’s time to answer some of your questions. Thomas asks about setup time: how long is too long? what can you and your band do to make it more efficient? Dave and Paul have your answers here. Then it’s on to Matt, whose band was badmouthed by their former singer. […]

The post Maximizing Setup Time, Taking Requests, and Repairing Relationships – GigGab 94 appeared first on Gig Gab.

It’s time to answer some of your questions. Thomas asks about setup time: how long is too long? what can you and your band do to make it more efficient? Dave and Paul have your answers here. Then it’s on to Matt, whose band was badmouthed by their former singer. Your two favorite weekend warriors talk through ways to repair the damage and move forward. But first, do you take requests? Ever take heat from a club owner for that? It can be a double-edged sword, and it’s one that Dave and Paul have both experienced recently. All of this and more in this week’s GigGab!

Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff Mentioned

00:00:00 GigGab 94 – December 12th, 2016
00:00:50 Requests … The Good and the Bad
00:07:50 Earning and maintaining the trust of your employers
00:11:27 Fostering community
00:17:21 Thomas-Setup Time?

Mackie DL1608

00:31:55 Matt-Repairing The Impact of Badmouthing
00:40:38 GigGab Outtro

The post Maximizing Setup Time, Taking Requests, and Repairing Relationships – GigGab 94 appeared first on Gig Gab.