After delaying a day Paul and Dave take to the mics and let their headcold-infused minds loop their way through the topics for this week’s show. Paul’s excited about some new tunes that he’s doing with The Houserockers and, well, heck, he’s excited about everything today! Hear him and Dave […]

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After delaying a day Paul and Dave take to the mics and let their headcold-infused minds loop their way through the topics for this week’s show. Paul’s excited about some new tunes that he’s doing with The Houserockers and, well, heck, he’s excited about everything today! Hear him and Dave talk through those tunes plus visit subjects like using a click live, singing without straining, Paul Rodgers and … The Cure! The topics are varied, yes, but you know your two favorite weekend warriors and they address them all very passionately. Download and enjoy!

Stuff mentioned (with more coming…)

Steve Tyler & Nuno Bettencourt’s “More Than Words”

The post Live Clicks, Strained Singing, Paul Rodgers and The Cure! – GigGab 57 appeared first on Gig Gab.