When can you buy off-brand gear and still get the quality you need without breaking the bank? Paul and Dave talk about a few experiments they’ve recently performed and their results with not-the-name-brand stuff. Paul added a little Frank to his set recently, and it opens up a conversation about […]

The post Inexpensive Gear, In-Ear Tricks, and a little Frank! – Gig Gab 306 appeared first on Gig Gab.

When can you buy off-brand gear and still get the quality you need without breaking the bank? Paul and Dave talk about a few experiments they’ve recently performed and their results with not-the-name-brand stuff.

Paul added a little Frank to his set recently, and it opens up a conversation about how to approach collaboration, in general. As Paul says, “a band is an exercise in compromise.”

Lastly, Dave’s played a few gigs recently which have expanded his thinking about approaching your in-ear monitor mix, and he shares those tips with Paul and all of you. Have your own tips? Share ’em with your two favorite weekend warriors at [email protected] and they’ll read ’em on the next episode!

00:00:00 Gig Gab 306 – Tuesday, June 1, 2021
00:06:25 Behringer B906 Guitar cabinet mic ($57 on Amazon as of show date)

Behringer B906 vs Senneheiser E906
Firefly Guitars

00:14:33 SPONSOR: Upstart. Whether it’s paying off credit cards, consolidating high-interest debt, or funding personal expenses, Upstart looks at more than your credit score and can offer you smarter rates with trusted partners. Visit Upstart.com/GIGGAB today to learn more.
00:16:09 Adding a little Frank!
00:19:11 The All Blues Gig

A Band is an Exercise in Compromise

00:33:32 More ears tricks

Remove the wedges
Add some reverb

00:39:50 GG 306

The post Inexpensive Gear, In-Ear Tricks, and a little Frank! – Gig Gab 306 appeared first on Gig Gab.