Listen, sometimes running a band isn’t fun. Sometimes it requires thinking about accounting and managing people and employment law and all that. Today’s Gig Gab digs into some of that not-fun stuff, specifically about managing shared band expenses and another bit about California’s AB5. Really, this stuff isn’t fun, but […]

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Listen, sometimes running a band isn’t fun. Sometimes it requires thinking about accounting and managing people and employment law and all that. Today’s Gig Gab digs into some of that not-fun stuff, specifically about managing shared band expenses and another bit about California’s AB5. Really, this stuff isn’t fun, but it’s necessary to think about, and Paul and Dave share their thoughts and invite yours.

But your two favorite weekend warriors do also ask the important question: How do you scream? After talking about accounting you’ll probably want to anyway.

00:00:00 Gig Gab 244 – Monday, Feb 17, 2020
00:03:00 How do you scream?
00:04:13 AB5 Follow-ups

Gig Gab 242 with a segment about AB5

00:25:20 Jonathan-Managing Shared Band Expenses
00:40:57 GG 244 Outtro

The post How Do You Scream? – Gig Gab 244 appeared first on Gig Gab.