Both Paul and Dave had their third gigs with replacement drummers in their respective bands… and they both found that’s the gig when a little bit of magic begins to happen. Hear them tell their tales and dig into the nuts and bolts of it all. Dave also had an […]

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Both Paul and Dave had their third gigs with replacement drummers in their respective bands… and they both found that’s the gig when a little bit of magic begins to happen. Hear them tell their tales and dig into the nuts and bolts of it all. Dave also had an experience and revelation with recreational pot at his gig… and it’s not at all like we just made it sound! You’ll have to listen to learn more about that. Then it’s time to answer a listener email about dealing with the ethics and politics of being in the music business… and Dave’s got some recent perspective of his own to share, too. Press play and enjoy, folks. This one’s chock-full of goodness!


00:00:00 GigGab 127 – Monday, August 14, 2017
00:01:25 Paul’s Third Sub-drummer Gig
00:02:30 Charity Gigs are often the best gigs
00:07:20 Dave’s Third Gig with Uptown Celebration
00:08:12 Recreational Pot brings the dancers back!
00:11:20 How to handle a gig after a great rehearsal
00:13:25 Riding the ebb and flow of your band’s successes
00:16:23 Song choices are important
00:22:30 Cross-generational songs
00:23:27 Play the hits!
00:26:26 Don’t Bore Us with Filler!
00:27:17 Email from Mr X: Dealing with Unethical Businesspeople
00:32:07 Creative scenes are both incestuous and competitive
00:40:53 Tweaking Your Own BS Meter
00:43:28 GG Outtro

The post Gig Number Three is the Magic One! – GigGab 127 appeared first on Gig Gab.