This episode is all about finding the right balance. First, how do you deal with it when you’re on a stage that’s too big for your band? Thankfully Paul and Dave have made the mistakes so you don’t have to. Then your two favorite weekend warriors dig into the mailbag […]

The post Finding Balance: Big Stages, Band, and Family – GigGab 121 appeared first on Gig Gab.

This episode is all about finding the right balance. First, how do you deal with it when you’re on a stage that’s too big for your band? Thankfully Paul and Dave have made the mistakes so you don’t have to. Then your two favorite weekend warriors dig into the mailbag to answer the question of balancing being a musician with being a productive member of a family. Neither of these balancing acts is easy, and Paul and Dave talk you through each as best they can. Press play and enjoy!


00:00:00 GigGab 121 – Monday, June 26, 2017
00:01:06 Last week’s Paul Costley Interview
00:02:12 Playing on a stage that’s too big

Behringer X32 Mixer

00:05:35 Feeling comfortable … and then not so comfortable
00:08:01 Dave’s Second Uptown Celebration Gig
00:11:36 Rhythm Section Lock-in
00:14:10 Bryan-Band/Life Balance
00:16:52 My husband’s new hobby
00:22:57 The groupie gone awry (Hi, Lisa!)
00:23:58 Are your family members music fans?
00:28:23 Beware the opposite sex
00:29:51 “You’ll be gigging less when we get married… right?”
00:30:36 I’m a musician, that’s who I am
00:34:39 Own your situation
00:35:58 Short gigs present opportunities
00:36:20 Schedule family time
00:42:02 Bail out gracefully if you’re miserable
00:43:45 GG Outtro

The post Finding Balance: Big Stages, Band, and Family – GigGab 121 appeared first on Gig Gab.