Paul and Dave start off by answering listener questions; First it’s a seemingly-easy question about who pays for instrument rentals (that turns out to be not such an easy question!). Then it’s the nuances of negotiating how to play in a two-guitar band. After that your two favorite Weekend Warriors […]

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Paul and Dave start off by answering listener questions; First it’s a seemingly-easy question about who pays for instrument rentals (that turns out to be not such an easy question!). Then it’s the nuances of negotiating how to play in a two-guitar band. After that your two favorite Weekend Warriors discuss what it takes to make your gig unforgettable. Throughout, Dave shares his thoughts about the Grateful Dead… and Paul thinks some folks might not be so grateful for Dave’s thoughts!

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Gig Unforgettable
Owsley Stanley Financed The Grateful Dead

The post Answers to Listener Questions and How To Make Your Gigs Unforgettable – GigGab 22 appeared first on Gig Gab.