Rob Decker, founder of Kingdom F.I.T. (Faith In Training) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has an incredible testimony. His life is one that should have ended many times, but God. His mother was told to abort him, but God. He lived a fast life of drugs and alcohol, but God. He was falsely accused of rape and felt his only way out was suicide, but God. He got into an accident driving under the influence, but God.

But, God.

Listen to this amazing story of ups and downs, the war within, and the hope that no matter how bad your story gets, there is always the change that your surrender to God’s perfect will will give you your own “But God” moment.

Enjoy this testimony and story, and then find Rob Decker online and follow more of his story.

At the time of his interview, Rob was expecting his second child and first little girl. We pray God’s blessings over Rob and his wife, their son, and their new baby coming in a couple weeks!

Rob Decker’s Website:

Rob’s book on Amazon:

More about Kingdom FIT:

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