Amanda's mission is to help support & teach student nurse anesthetists (SRNA’s) & future SRNA’s in their educational journey. 

Amanda graduated with high honors from Illinois State University with a Bachelor's in Nursing. She holds certifications as an Emergency Nurse & Critical Care Nurse. 

After travel nursing she settled in the New England area to obtain a Master’s degree in Nurse Anesthesia & while studying she embarked on a mission trip to Kenya, Africa with Kenya Relief.

Post graduation she moved back home to Illinois where she works as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and is finally pursuing her dream of writing & online course creation. 

Amanda Kay Kelly (Krueger), adopted into her family, dreamed one day of becoming a nurse and a writer. She spent her childhood filling up journals and playing “nurse” not realizing she would grow up to become a real nurse and eventually pursue her dream of becoming an author.  


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