What's the result when you have no permit to add vodka in a  birthday gift basket, and still, you add it?  You'll either get lucky when safely delivering it or get tangled in a legal mess because someone reported your non-licensed activity.

A photograph of you in handcuffs featured in your local newspaper is not the type of promotion you want for your business. Whether you work at home, in a retail shop, or in a commercial zone, you may or may not be able to secure a license to add liquor, wine, and spirits within gift baskets. If customers are requesting alcohol as part of gift giving, a license may be worthwhile to obtain.

This episode reveals the steps that could result in getting this premium license, and four steps are vital to complete before you check the laws!

Here what's required to legally add alcohol to your gift baskets. Your experience may be a bit different than what's explained. However, you will still be on track if such licensing is one of your goals.

Website: https://GiftBasketBusiness.com/

Article: https://giftbasketbusiness.com/adding-bubbly-makes-money-costs-plenty/

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