Welcome to episode #41! Our guest today is a graduate of RISD and has flourished into many amazing things. A few titles under her humble belt include her being the former Creative Director of The White House, currently Design Exponent at Automattic – side note here: Automattic are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Gravatar, and many more online, open source publishing tools. Our guest is also an Editorial Board Member for Design Observer, National Board Member for AIGA and an International Speaker. 


Some of the topics we spoke about include:

The responsibilities behind the role when CD at the White House
Advice for cultivating an entire institutions brand values
Tips for rapport building and networking with practical examples
The importance of taking time off during transition periods and much, much more.

I present to you, my good friend; the talented and delightfully calm  … Ashleigh Axios!


More on Ashleigh can be found via the link below:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/AshleighAxios

Twitter: @AshleighAxios

Instagram: @AshleighAxios

Automattic website: automattic.com

Personal website: ashleighaxios.com

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