Previous Episode: Candy 2016
Next Episode: Slumber Party 2016

Today we had another New Snail. Welcome Lobbie Riggles for her first race. Making that a total of 9 snails now. New record for us. Haven't had 9 snails racing in one day in years. Also were trying a new system for best of show but it's taking way to long . So were hoping to stream line it with some fancy scripting by Catten Carter, Hope we get that soon. The current process is confusing as heck. We take one vote from the audince and another from the announcers and give out 2 prizes.

Shady Fox has moved on to a new adventure and we wish him all the best. It was nice having him with us these last few years. Rest in Peace looking forward to seeing you again someday when it's my turn and you and me and Salem can finally sit down together.

Announcers RacerX Gullwing, Mae Best, Oodlemi Noodle, Shayna Paine, Tindallia Soothsayer

Giant Racing Snail Pros, Catten Carter, Whispering Wind, Tindallia Soothsayer, Oodlemi Noodle, Alden Cortes,

Giant Racing Snails, Caleb Kit, Queeniepromise, lulee babenco, Lobbie riggles

Some of our music we use during the race is by my good friend Alazarin Mobius Credits music by Alazarin

Mobius Cosmodrome is on the album Reticulated Splines and during the
race we used his song Space_Patrol is on the album Iaxartes Tholus. You can buy them at , by The Invisible Band! Thanks Man!!Giant Snail Races