Ben Orenstein is joined by Joe Kutner, programmer and author of ‘The Healthy Programmer’. Ben and Joe discuss how the demands of a development job lead to unhealthy habits, and ways to address the issues. They discuss specifics like standing desks, walking desks, the pomodoro technique, exercise, vitamin D, and much more.

The Healthy Programmer
The pomodoro technique
Starting Stength
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Big Ruby 2013 Build a Bigger Brain: How Healthy Living Makes You Smarter

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @codefinger on twitter.

Ben Orenstein is joined by Joe Kutner, programmer and author of ‘The Healthy Programmer’. Ben and Joe discuss how the demands of a development job lead to unhealthy habits, and ways to address the issues. They discuss specifics like standing desks, walking desks, the pomodoro technique, exercise, vitamin D, and much more.

The Healthy Programmer
The pomodoro technique
Starting Stength
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Big Ruby 2013 Build a Bigger Brain: How Healthy Living Makes You Smarter

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @codefinger on twitter.

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