In this week's podcast, Ben Orenstein is joined by Chad Fowler, author, speaker, and CTO of 6wunderkinder. Ben and Chad discuss Chad's recent move to Berlin and 6wunderkinder, what a CTO does, getting back to coding, the early Ruby community, who Chad wants to hire, predicting success of new hires, and what makes a truly good developer, favorite interview questions, how Chad's interviewing process has changed over time, how age and experience can change your perspective, how Chad built a great team, and what he might write about in the future. They also discuss Chad's new tattoo, his regrets, meditation, therapy, gaining control over your mind, and much, much more.

David A. Black
Rich Kilmer
Dave Thomas
Hilary Mason, Speaking: Entertain, Don’t Teach
Ook! a programming language designed for orangutans
LivingSocial Gains Wealth Of Ruby on Rails Expertise With InfoEther Acquisition
Ben Scofield
Evan Pheonix
The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development
My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job
Martin Fowler
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are (Power Posing)
Railsberry Power Posing!

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @chadfowler on twitter.

In this week's podcast, Ben Orenstein is joined by Chad Fowler, author, speaker, and CTO of 6wunderkinder. Ben and Chad discuss Chad's recent move to Berlin and 6wunderkinder, what a CTO does, getting back to coding, the early Ruby community, who Chad wants to hire, predicting success of new hires, and what makes a truly good developer, favorite interview questions, how Chad's interviewing process has changed over time, how age and experience can change your perspective, how Chad built a great team, and what he might write about in the future. They also discuss Chad's new tattoo, his regrets, meditation, therapy, gaining control over your mind, and much, much more.

David A. Black
Rich Kilmer
Dave Thomas
Hilary Mason, Speaking: Entertain, Don’t Teach
Ook! a programming language designed for orangutans
LivingSocial Gains Wealth Of Ruby on Rails Expertise With InfoEther Acquisition
Ben Scofield
Evan Pheonix
The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development
My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job
Martin Fowler
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are (Power Posing)
Railsberry Power Posing!

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @chadfowler on twitter.

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