This week Ben Orenstein in joined by thoughtbot CEO, Chad Pytel, to discuss thoughbot's books, online and in-person training programs, other educational products, and the launch of thoughtbot's new subscription to everything they teach, Learn Prime. They also discuss some changes to, Five Guys, and much more!

Ruby Science
Backbone.js on Rails
Intermediate Ruby on Rails
Intro to Ruby on Rails
Learn Prime

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @cpytel on twitter.

This week Ben Orenstein in joined by thoughtbot CEO, Chad Pytel, to discuss thoughbot's books, online and in-person training programs, other educational products, and the launch of thoughtbot's new subscription to everything they teach, Learn Prime. They also discuss some changes to, Five Guys, and much more!

Ruby Science
Backbone.js on Rails
Intermediate Ruby on Rails
Intro to Ruby on Rails
Learn Prime

Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @cpytel on twitter.

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