Ben resolves to cut back on dashboard checkins, makes progress on Formkeep's Ember extraction, and struggles with product-market fit. Meanwhile, Chris tackles some analytics issues, opens up Upcase landing pages from behind the paywall to improve marketing and SEO, and steps up his marketing and social-media game.

Formkeep Blog
The Pragmatic Programmer
SPIN Selling
Radical Candor
Bootstrapped Web Podcast

Ben resolves to cut back on dashboard checkins, makes progress on Formkeep's Ember extraction, and struggles with product-market fit. Meanwhile, Chris tackles some analytics issues, opens up Upcase landing pages from behind the paywall to improve marketing and SEO, and steps up his marketing and social-media game.

Formkeep Blog
The Pragmatic Programmer
SPIN Selling
Radical Candor
Bootstrapped Web Podcast

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