Films and Swearing 92 - Christmas Special

It's the end of the year! Stoo sits down separately with Andy & Guthrie, Big Blockbuster Mike & Trevor from Mass Moviecide UK. We discuss our thoughts on the Best films we've seen this year, the worst films we've seen this year AND what we are looking forward to in 2016!

Towards the end of the podcast we drop some stats on the biggest podcasts we've released this year, which we enjoyed most and how we're changing the format in 2016.

*Films & Swearing Spoiler Alert*

We're changing the show in 2016! Due to life commitments we're reducing our podcast to two episodes a month. We're going with the theme of The ABC's of F&S two letters will be covered each month, the choice of film is chosen by a coin toss. Tune in to here the initial 'toss' for episode 93.

Anyway, Merry Christmas,

Happy New Year AND lets hope you get lots of movies for Christmas!


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