Club Kayfabe 89
Nikki World Order

This week the guys are visited by Stone Fold, Racist Vince, HHH, and ARNOLD. Sting says I AGREE to a face to face, during a face to face between a heel and a face. Daniel talks New Japaniel. New Beginning in Osaka to be specific.

There is a new women's only faction known as the Nikki World Order and they're TAKING OVER! Nobody is safe. Women's wrestling hasn't been this great in almost ever. Speaking of women, Inherent Sexism in the System tells us that Girl Points aren't worth anything, but it does make them feel special.

Also, it's Friday the 13th so don't have sex tonight, wait til Valentine's Day. Why does the authority care whether Bryan and Reigns are best friendzies or not? The world may never know.