Club Kayfabe 123 Vader's Stinky Glove

WWE builds toward Hell in a Cell but Club Kayfabe brings you the more important news...

-Baron Corbin isn't #1 Contender
-Triple H flying through rings
-Dee Mon Kane and Seth Wanna Go Home
-Vader's glove stinks
-Sting eats White Castle on a mountain
-Val Vegan dips his carrot in your hummus
-Prince Justice Brotherhood t-shirts are still available in size small
-Mecca Streisand leaves
-I guess we all watch The Simpsons
-Jeff Hardy, burnin' down the house, the dawg, the aluminummies, the socks, the shoes, the sky, the clouds, the air, the drugs, the plants, the birds, the bees, the sea, the space, the moon.......

#SmellyGlove #HamburgerSting #ProWreslting #HellOnAHalfShell