The Uncut International Version featuring 35 minutes of never before heard talking! Get it before THEY get him!

ISIS Has No Faith In Allah So They Cyrano de Bergerac The Suicide Vest For Him - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - Mastermind: to plan and direct (a usually complex project or activity), especially skillfully. That can't be right, I think the reporters are looking for the word Moronic Dipshit. - The News Corporations are Masterminds! - Alexa in Dog Years - Alexa, what time is it? - Sweep the Neck! - The 1990 Mister Easton Flash Crack Head - Show Mw All Your Sky Gods. Go Fish! - Team Frankenstein - Stacked, Jacked and Cracked! - Did I get across that ISIS and the news agencies reporting on ISIS are moronic dipshits?

Opens with DEVO, Wiggly World, closes with 4Minute, Crazy.

#ISIS #IslamicStateOfIraqAndSyria #ISOIAS #Mastermind #Alexa #AbleToTellWhereTheLittleHandIs #EastonCrackHead #CountriesArePeopleCommaFriend #AssBoozeLine #BunionPills #BronzeAgeSkyGods #Mjolnir #EarthX