Previous Episode: Ep. 7 - Fraying Shadows

Line Bulls fight ghosts, but only on rare occasions do they seek out and hunt them. Much of a Line Bull's job is simply to protect a train's passengers and freight long enough for it to be out of danger. As the Pride of Duskwall passes through Ravencourt, what can the Line Bulls do against a supernatural effect with no apparent source? Pippin fancies himself a philosopher. Andrel's suspicions reach their peak. Drix bites off more than he can chew. Camilla's dark secrets are revealed.

Content warning for Pica (the eating of inedible objects) throughout ( ( ( (

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Listen to the Iron Bound Chest on Spotify: (

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black. Art by Yoshiko Agresta

Follow us on (Twitter @ghosts_train), and if you have questions or suggestions for the train email them to [email protected] or leave a voice message at ( and you might hear yourself on the show

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Line Bulls fight ghosts, but only on rare occasions do they seek out and hunt them. Much of a Line Bull's job is simply to protect a train's passengers and freight long enough for it to be out of danger. As the Pride of Duskwall passes through Ravencourt, what can the Line Bulls do against a supernatural effect with no apparent source? Pippin fancies himself a philosopher. Andrel's suspicions reach their peak. Drix bites off more than he can chew. Camilla's dark secrets are revealed.

Content warning for Pica (the eating of inedible objects) throughout

Find special guest Yoshiko at

Listen to the Iron Bound Chest on Spotify:

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black. Art by Yoshiko Agresta

Follow us on Twitter @ghosts_train, and if you have questions or suggestions for the train email them to [email protected] or leave a voice message at and you might hear yourself on the show

Help the Show by Rating and Reviewing on Apple Podcasts

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