This is the second part of the Layover in Tyrmoor, now split in two (as all Layovers will be from now on). The first half an hour is pretty emotional and there's an offhand mention of Crowl possessing someone to commit suicide at ~43:30

A cliff where the sky meets the land. Below it, a shore where the land meets the sea. A witch's ritual, where the past will meet the present. The city of Tyrmoor gives to the Line Bulls only what they themselves have brought. Andrel cries for her mother and father. Drix is shamed by his Greater. Pip drinks for his own safety.

Check out How to Make a Literal Cat in Your Favorite RPG here

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black and TJ Woods. Art by Yoshiko Agresta.

Donate to an Abortion Fund. Twitter Thread with funds for Trigger Law States here. Donate to Equality Texas and Trans Texas.

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