Indigo, Badge Name Brogan, is not the first Line Bull to suggest collaboration between Line Bulls for the betterment of them all. But the powerlessness felt by the Bulls is well reinforced and difficult to surmount alone. The Ministry of Preservation kills the very idea of Unionization before it can enter a Line Bull's mind, because once it is there they know that it will never leave. Brogan meets a King. Drix gets some hot goss. Pip seeks out a hard conversation. Andrel fires and she misses.

Find special guest Xan on Twitter @inxanityTTRPG, on the JUST RELEASED Actual Play Emergent Code, and keep an ear out for them on Super Suits! And if YOU want to play with them yourself you can book them on here on! Our own Conductor Greg has already signed on for a game of Blades in the Dark here (with seats still open!)

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black and TJ Woods. Art by Yoshiko Agresta.

Donate to an Abortion Fund. Twitter Thread with funds for Trigger Law States here. Donate to Equality Texas and Trans Texas.

Follow us on Twitter @ghosts_train, and if you have questions or suggestions for the train email them to [email protected] or leave a voice message at and you might hear yourself on the show

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