Content Warning: Gun violence(~00:36:20-00:42:15)- Someone is shot, and there is a brief moment of civilian panic. The gunshot wound is tended to, in a stressful and traumatic situation but without gory description.

Though it has only been two days in Belisle, the Line Bulls have now experienced life outside of the Imperium for longer than many who will live and die behind a lightning barrier. But all good things must come to an end, and the Line Bulls must return to Cullfield for their Journeyman Ceremony with Mr. Walker. Andrel catches Orlence in hypocrisy. Pip is not helpless. Drix gains a heavy burden.

Vote for Ghosts on a Train for the Audio Verse Awards here!

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black and TJ Woods. Art by Yoshiko Agresta.

Donate to an Abortion Fund. Twitter Thread with funds for Trigger Law States here. Donate to Equality Texas and Trans Texas.

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