The Talkbacks we've been doing on Patreon are now going to be posted there early and then put on the Main feed between the end of a Line and the Layover for the start of a new one. This will give us a chance to talk through and reflect on a full Line, as well as giving Greg more time so they don't fall behind on any edits. Enjoy a minimally edited discussion of the creation of Ghosts on a Train!

Now that the Line Bulls have encountered ghost Taji, tested Cricket the Whisper's Spirit Locator, and uncovered the secret of The Creature "Friday Feeling", the cast of Ghosts on a Train discuss episodes 56 to 58 along with guest Jaci Seelagy. We discuss Cricket's origins as a Blades in the Dark character, whether they would do another in game holiday, the consequences of killing Taji the Tank Engine, and how Greg would run this Line differently. The gang also discusses the deep sadness that the past few Lines have contained, and what it means for the future!

Ghost Lines by John Harper. Music by Sebastian Black and TJ Woods. Art by Yoshiko Agresta.

Donate to an Abortion Fund. Twitter Thread with funds for Trigger Law States here. Donate to Equality Texas and Trans Texas.

Follow us on Twitter @ghosts_train, and if you have questions or suggestions for the train email them to [email protected] or leave a voice message at and you might hear yourself on the show

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