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After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, an irrational fear struck the United States that its relativly small population of Japanese immigrants and the native born US citizen children of those immigrants posed a threat to national security. They made up too much of the population on Hawaii to do anything about them but those living on the mainland west coast were rounded up and moved into internment camps, which is a nice way to say concentration camps. Nevertheless, those US citizen interrned on the mainland and their Hawaii-based counterparts longed for the chance to prove their loyalty to their homeland. They were eventually given the change and the two (nearly) all-Japanese American units of World War II - the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 44nd Regimental Combat Team - went on to become the some of the highest decorated units in US Army history. Today begins the multi-part podcast of their story.

The Ghosts of the Pacific Theme is Ukulele and Love Birds by emjaydabayou, with a few Waves of Hawaii added for ambiance.

The Ghosts of the Pacific Transition music are some Uke Chords by turkitron.

As always, a very special thanks to Mountain Up Cap Company for its continued help to spread the word about the podcast on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/MountainUpCapCompany Climb to Glory!

For more information about the podcast visit: 

·       The GoA website: https://www.ghostsofarlingtonpodcast.com    

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