Steve Ward entertained us with stories and updated research on The Beast of Bray Road that stalks Wisconsin. We talked monsters, contactees, UFOs, and other high strangeness. Steve’s contagious enthusiasm for these subjects will have you taking notes and adding more books to your already full paranormal bookshelf. Make sure to search for Steve’s podcast “The High Strangeness Factor” to add to your favorite shows.
Since 2006 he has been involved with the Mothman Festival, both behind the scenes, as a tour guide in the TNT area where the Mothman was first seen and has a speaker. Steve’s main area of research is, what some call “high strangeness” or “window areas” (as Keel dubbed them) where disparate types of paranormal phenomena all seem to occur in the same location, and that studying these paranormally active locations may be the key to understanding what the source behind the manifestations may be.

He is involved with the Roads Beyond the Known web series & is a correspondent on Mack Maloney’s Military X- Files Radio Show. He is also the host of his own podcast called The High Strangeness Factor.