The story of a group of Guardians who outplayed the rest.

Ghost Whispers 02: The Iron Lords and the Iron Banner?
dropslash leads the fireteam in an exploration of the lore behind the Iron Banner and its founders, the Iron Lords. Joining him today are GabbleRatchet98, Xray-441, and the first appearance of the newest member of the Ghost Stories Fireteam, Hands0meDrag0n. We have 6 now. Raid soon? Anyway, if you've ever wondered just who Skorri, Felwinter, Jolder, and all the others are, this quick Whisper is for you.

What is this 'Ghost Whispers' thing anyway
Ghost Whispers will be where we gather in smaller groups for short discussions about current lore topics as they pop up in the Destiny universe. It is our way to keep the lore conversation current while allowing our main episodes to focus on deeper dives and longer conversations. We will record and release a Ghost Whispers episode whenever we feel there is a topic bubbling up in the community that has new or interesting lore implications.

Contact Us:
Twitter: @DGhostStories
Email: [email protected]

Episode References:
If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites.