Episode 42: Crota's End - Part 1 Happy post-Halloween, Festival of the Lost, Samhain, Dios de Muertos! Last week we wrapped up The Dark Below and stopped right at the edge of the pit. Today... we're jumping in. This episode is Part 1 of our look into Crota's End, The Dark Below's Raid. We're covering the initial descent, the Stills-formerly-known-as-the-Abyss, picking locks, gothic architecture, lots and lots of Moon cheese, s-words, and a ton more. We also check in with First Crota along the way and listen to the laments of their ill-fated leader, Eriana-3, with the assistance from the vocal stylings of @neonbath (Chioma ffrom our Vex Fragment episodes). It's going to be a good one Guardians, sharpen up those blades. Episode References: Hellmouth Concepts: "Bungie Weekly Update - 10/04/2013" Contact Us: Web: DestinyGhostStories.com Twitter: @dghoststories Email: [email protected] Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Great Resources: The Ishtar Collective Destiny Timeline r/DestinyLore r/DestinyTheGame