A listener feels shame and guilt about her class privilege and wants help sorting it out.

This week's horoscope covers a lot of terrain, as there's a bunch of Saturn activity, a taxing New Moon in Taurus, and an intense Mercury square to Pluto and Jupiter. It's a lot! But Jessica gives you practical tools to make the most of it.

📚Astrology for Real Relationships, Understanding You, Me, & How We All Get Along is out! Visit lovelanyadoo.com/relationship-book to get yours.

🔴For exclusive content and Jessica's Healing Helpers series, become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/JessicaLanyadoo!

🎀To send your question to be answered by Jessica on the podcast or to read your weekly & monthly horoscopes, visit www.lovelanyadoo.com.

❤️For daily insights and resources follow Jessica on Twitter at @jessicalanyadoo or on Instagram at @jessica_lanyadoo.

🕊To support National Bail Out visit nationalbailout.org

A listener feels shame and guilt about her class privilege and wants help sorting it out.

This week's horoscope covers a lot of terrain, as there's a bunch of Saturn activity, a taxing New Moon in Taurus, and an intense Mercury square to Pluto and Jupiter. It's a lot! But Jessica gives you practical tools to make the most of it.

📚Astrology for Real Relationships, Understanding You, Me, & How We All Get Along is out! Visit lovelanyadoo.com/relationship-book to get yours.

🔴For exclusive content and Jessica's Healing Helpers series, become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/JessicaLanyadoo!

🎀To send your question to be answered by Jessica on the podcast or to read your weekly & monthly horoscopes, visit www.lovelanyadoo.com.

❤️For daily insights and resources follow Jessica on Twitter at @jessicalanyadoo or on Instagram at @jessica_lanyadoo.

🕊To support National Bail Out visit nationalbailout.org