Topics discussed: Revealed Intentions; the people making IBO love Victory Gundam; how to say Dáinsleif; someone really needed to warn all these characters about death flagging; Iok Kujan continues to survive out of pure stupidity; Hush’s anime rival to gofer lackey arc; the Dáinsleif as an escalation of medieval warfare into modern weaponry; Gjallarhorn’s relationship to myth and history and the original stopping on history and arresting of society into a static structure; the Old Norse legend of Dáinsleif; Orga’s struggles with choices and his acquiescing to others who will make the decision for him; Orga’s lack of control over Tekkadan’s violence; thematic elements of the Reginlaze Julia and the dehumanization of the mech into more of a weapon; Barbatos and Mika’s tail/umbilical cord; gender happens; babies, motherhood, umbilical cords, wombs, and the need for life beyond this moment; Atra’s attitudes and relationships to sex and sexuality; Lafter, Amida, and polyamory; the limited forms of families available and their blending with military organizations; Connor has the worst hair in IBO; masks on masks on masks; McGillis is an iron-blooded orphan; parallels between McGillis and the Legend of Agnika Kaieru and Kudelia and the History of Revolution; McGillis has misunderstood and overestimated the true pillars of Gjallarhorn; Rustal is a materialist; McGillis’s grooming of Almiria and her genuine feelings; McGillis approaches all relationships as dominance and submissions; eyes, monovision, and the potential tension of Mika closing his left eye; “How far should I go?” and Mika’s own conflict around the death march of violence; Mika fighting to end to Atra’s tears; parallels between season one and season two of IBO; Niamh has to make the bed; Irn-Bruded Orphans; content warnings for the last six episodes (start at 3:33:45).

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Content Warnings for this Discussion

Major character death

Suicide and self-sacrifice

Sex and sexuality

Child sexual abuse and pedophilia

Child abuse, grooming, violence, and attempted suicide (esp. 2:24:00 to 2:37:44)

Alcohol and food mentioned in post-ED

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