Hello fellow divers! We are planning to record the New Year's Special on December 9, 2023, so that is also the deadline for emails! If you have any questions for us about the show in general, our past year of ghost diving, or Barry Lyndon, please send them to [email protected]!

If you want to submit your predictions for the OP and ED brackets, go to challonge.com/diveyop2024 and challonge.com/diveyed2024.

Also enjoy this episode of our other show, Pondering Pootan with Ajishio Taro & Hachimitsu Boy a week early as our special holiday gift to you!

Chapter Seventy-Four: Train in Vain

Thanksgiving dinner

Unusual dishes served

But less than you'd think

Support the network at exportaud.io!

Our schedule: exportaud.io/pootanschedule

Pondering Pootan RSS: exportaud.io/pootan

Ghost Divers RSS: exportaud.io/ghostdivers

The Show: @PonderPootan (twitter) or @pootan (cohost)

Niamh: @FoxmomNia (twitter) and @foxmomnia (cohost)

Connor: @rabbleais (twitter) and @rabbleais (cohost)

OP: “Ningen nante” by Yoshida Takuro

ED: “Train in Vain” by the Clash

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