Civil Rights – Right to Vote Cast & Be Counted, Presidential Election Legal Challenge and Appeal Strategy Week 3, Part 1 Phone Guest – Chad Kilgore, Esquire INJUNCTIVE RELIEF REFORM State Code Re: Judge’s “interfering”  Week 3, Part 2 Civil Rights – Law Enforcement, Police & Deputy Reform Unconstitutional Brutality & Abuse Defense Bill or […]

Civil Rights – Right to Vote Cast & Be Counted, Presidential Election Legal Challenge and Appeal Strategy Week 3, Part 1

Phone Guest – Chad Kilgore, Esquire

INJUNCTIVE RELIEF REFORM State Code Re: Judge’s “interfering” 

Week 3, Part 2

Civil Rights – Law Enforcement, Police & Deputy Reform

Unconstitutional Brutality & Abuse Defense Bill or Civil Release Bill [UBAD Bill]

Phone Guest – Larry Dale Wade


Trenton Garmon 0:06
Welcome, welcome to segment number one of week number three. This is Trenton, Garmin here with G file radio. We’ve got a guest in the studio today, Miss Shonda King. She is the show Queen today, if you will, we’re going to talk through the election and the legal docket report of what we know has been filed and some of the reasons that these challenges by Trump should be considered. I think this is probably the hottest news that we have out in the mainstream idea of reporting and journalism. We don’t necessarily have the top of journalism. I think we should as a nation today with many outlets. But let me first welcome our hosts in this is Trenton Garman, let me welcome our hosts here, co host, Miss Shonda King, how are you today? Miss

Shonda King 0:54
Shaw? Great, thanks.

Trenton Garmon 0:56
So good to have you own doing wonderful doing well and Joe and seeing what’s being put out and the challenges to the process. Of course, I’m not necessarily a pro Trump or pro Biden supporter. I am pro American and pro constitutional. I think if there’s anyone that would have a reason to oppose a Trump legal victory, it may be me, among others. I’ve had personal attacks by Donald Trump’s son on Twitter and have had Newsweek articles written about it. But I believe in the Constitution, I believe our president is entitled to have each one of these counts of voter and election for all to be challenged and specially worked on an election to 2017 that have very similar fact patterns to it with regards to the allegations of voter fraud. As a voter, what is your perspective, Miss Shonda? You know, we’re talking here about one vote, one count, each person has the right to vote, and they have the right to have that vote counted to you as a as a citizen of the United States. Do you believe that in the national election, that’s something that you have faith in? Or what are your thoughts as of today, and some of the recent news reports that we’ve seen?

Shonda King 2:10
Well, right now, I understand that people do lie, people do cheat in order to get what they want. And I feel that if a person wants to vote Democrat, they have the right to do that. If they want to vote Republican, they have the right to do that. So no one should change their vote.

Trenton Garmon 2:39
God and so you’re, you’re bringing up the basis of the separation of powers is that we know that inherently in mankind, that there is a soul there is a spirit. And we believe that ultimately, as a people that that soul and spirit is eternal. We declared ourselves 300 plus times to be by the Supreme Court to be a Christian nation. But we also know there’s like fallenness, right? Yeah, there’s a bent to humanity. So you’re bringing up the reality that if there’s questions of for all those questions should be investigated. Is that true? Correct?

Shonda King 3:13

Trenton Garmon 3:14
Okay. And all the while we still have the freedom right, we have the right to cast our vote, but what kind of freedom is it? If we don’t have the voice of each voter and whether or not that’s truly as a as a nation? How are people chose? We really don’t have a democracy at that point. If we’re not investigating those credible climbs is that is true. Your perspective. Okay. So notwithstanding the credibility, we’ve got some articles we’re just going to talk through here to, you know, allow the general public to be informed Washington Post reported November the sixth 2020, that the US Postal Service processed 150,000 ballots after election day 150,000, jeopardizing 1000s of votes, and of course, the posters. I wouldn’t call them anti Trump, but they’re most definitely a more liberal, bending organization and outlet if you will, November, the fourth 2020. They reported that the data shows 1000s of ballots missing, that that’s a major concern us data shows 1000s of mail ballots, missed the election day not missing, like can’t find them, but missed the election day, and they should not be part of the count. But if they’ve already been counted included, then that’s a major problem with justify hand recount is that what’s your fault with that?

Shonda King 4:38
I feel that they should extend the date until all of the votes are accounted for. Yeah, because everybody has the right to have their vote. Okay.

Trenton Garmon 4:49
So the, the processes we haven’t now we’ve got the news outlets that have projected a winner. We have allegations that there are untimely counted. ballots that have been submitted in your perspective is for those states. The projection, of course, is something we should put out there let people think through and consider but ultimately the Secretary of State certification, we should reserve judgment is that what you’re you’re sharing that to be the case. There’s also an article that’s been put out by Fox. Now, this is one of the most troubling and I think telling of the need to allow for the Trump challenges to stand. Video claims ballot tampering at Michigan post office, but postmarks didn’t matter for Michigan count. And I don’t know if you’ve seen this, Shawn to the video that was out online, but there was a voice that had been altered to hide the identity of the person. And that person was claiming that they were directed by postal official to stamp the prior date on ballots it had come in. So what are your thoughts mean, your voter, if that happened, would you think in that state, it’s appropriate for all of that to be investigated? And to fetter out whether or not those votes were improperly counted? Definitely, I think legally speaking, but the Trump administration in that state, because those are not just merely acts of an administrative process. If I post a worker is following the direction of someone over them and does something illegal, they are based on what that allegation is they are committing a crime. So we would have federal employees working for the United States Post Office, committing a federal felony tampering with mail, at the direction of whoever was the supervisor was in that particular situation. So I think as far as that article goes, and feathering out that truth and seeking to know, is this a valid election for the state, it is indisputable that you have to have those type of challenges, but you’re not seeing that in the mainstream media. What are your thoughts about it? Is that something that

Shonda King 7:02
needs to be investigated?

Trenton Garmon 7:04
It has to be investigated? Undoubtedly. There’s another article Postal Service says delivered ballots own time, amid concerns over untracked votes, about 300,000 mailed ballots were scanned by the Postal Service’s but workers and advocates explain that doesn’t mean that they’re missing. So November the fourth 2020, this report by NBC News who seems to be about as centered as you can be, but the point is, are we’ve got a crosshair in the tracking of it. There’s some that have been stamped after the fact at the direction of a postal supervisor, which is a felony in the election process. And we have the four radical left and I’m not radical right or radical left. I’m a Catholic libertarian. But the point is, the radical left is dismissing any type of challenge to the projection of the news outlets, despite these clear legal frauds, these clear, legal improper processes haven’t taken place, and it banned hundreds of 1000s of ballots. What is your perspective on that?

Shonda King 8:15
It needs to be investigated. Definitely. by state is that thing, okay. So

Trenton Garmon 8:20
as an attorney, you’re dead on by state is exactly how it should happen investigated through the through the point of being certified that the Secretary of State will certify the election as valid or invalid, and that hasn’t that hasn’t happened yet and can direct to recap. So I do think that the Trump administration is well within the rights so you may have an opinion that differs and feel welcome to call us. We’re going to have future segments again, this is Trenton Garmin 855 99. Trent is the number 855 99 Trent g file radio is focused primarily on delivering accurate, truthful civil rights news, and also conveying to you reporting legal docket reporting about cases that has been filed because our media has gotten so far from the normal ethics of journalism and investigating and giving an objective report that you frankly can’t trust most of the mainstream outlets. So we’re helping hopefully, the general public be informed that there is a radical right, that you cannot trust with a news outlets report about them. And there is a radical left that you cannot trust what most of the mainstream news outlets report with regards to their agendas, right. So we’re talking in this show here with Miss Shaun King about the Trump administration’s challenges. We know this, practically speaking pragmatically if Trump is successful, and there is any type of dispute as to whether Biden should take office and Trump vacate the White House, we’re going to see some definite citizen. outcries. Am I wrong? Am I right? What are your thoughts as to what will happen one way or the other Mrs. Shonda,

Shonda King 10:10
I think is going to be a lot of citizens upset.

Trenton Garmon 10:14
Upset to

Shonda King 10:15
protesting? Yes, because too much fraud has been committed.

Trenton Garmon 10:19
It’s been a problem for years in the United States of America. And we saw it at a significant level in 2017 of the special Senate election. It’s quite unfortunate in that election, john Meyer, excuse me, not john Meyer, but the Secretary of State john merrow, issued a press release saying that and that election, there was just your run of the mill the normal voter fraud, when have we come to the place of accepting voter fraud and the democratic process is something that is not going to be tested Full Tilt all the way, basically, until you can, you can say this is the truth. And we’ve done the process and investigated it. Of course, there is a legal prong challenge that exists not only is the Trump administration going to have to show that voter fraud existed, but he’s they’re going to have to show that more likely than not it had an impact, it was significant enough to have an impact on the election. But from what I see if the Trump legal team maintains their heading, they should be able to, I believe in several states have the have the elections, and the results held to be invalid because of those reasons, even if it’s simply 123 states where they can show that postal employees not only violated administrative process within the postal system, but they literally violated federal law in were tampering with the mail, then I think they’re going to have a serious a serious challenge that judges should give a judge should give credence to. So this is Trenton garma with G file Radio 855 99 Trent is the number to call we’re talking through the Trump administration’s legal challenges had Miss Shonda King, own you have a constitutional right, every citizen has a constitutional right to vote and to be ensured that that vote is counted. If someone’s vote isn’t proper, and it’s counted and your vote is proper and countable, you’ve had your vote negated. So we’re talking about the legal challenges of the Trump administration. And we’ve come to conclusion just based on this brief conversation that these things need to be processed. There needs to be a hearing on each one of these matters. And we hope and pray that our nation’s democratic process and the integrity of it is preserved. So thank you for joining us again, Trenton Garmin Radio tryng Garmin lab with G file radio. Look forward to sharing more with you in the next segment.

Welcome Welcome to G file radio. This is Trenton Garman civil rights and injury attorney bringing to you week number three Segment Number Two we’re gonna be talking about deputising and D funding that is a hot topic today. In the break, I had Miss Shonda, lift up and show to me from our first segment, a tip, if you will, as to what really is going on and transpiring in the Trump legal challenges is there is a whistleblower within the United States Postal Service that has said we were ordered to conduct criminal activity ordered to do something that is criminal if you’re post stamping after the fact a pre date. That is in fact mail tampering that happened within the United States Postal system. And we believe just as a people that if Biden is not just projected, but certified to be the winner. Hey, hallelujah, praise God. We believe as the people if it test out that it’s not true that the vote count should not be certified that the best process is to do exactly as our laws require. And to allow for the one count one vote not you can’t vote but you can’t three of somebody else’s. That’s not how the process works. So, yes, that is the earth shattering news if the legal team for Trump wants to push that and the lat left the radical left agenda wants to acknowledge reality that there is a whistleblower with the united states postal system so the fox news outlets have put on on some of their sister organization websites that needs to be tested among other challenges that exists. But this segment we’re going to be talking about a real hot topic. People are inherently fearful right now. And I do believe, arguably that we live in the de facto police state. I think that we are in a state of global biological war. Unfortunately, the Wu Han Chinese virus was made and manipulated in a lab. And it was released. But the point in this segment is the police are causing people to be fearful. Am I wrong? Or am I right about that? Mr. shaunda?

Shonda King 15:41
You’re definitely right.

Trenton Garmon 15:42
And I don’t think it’s simply a black lives matter movement. I think that the citizenry have black sheep that also feel that the level of encroachment of the executive branch into our private life has gone too far. And because of some of the shootings and because of some of the police brutality and awareness, this movement that’s referred to as a de Fund, the police movement has has, I believe, got traction and we know it has in certain cities been successful. So Miss Shonda, when I bring up deputize and de fund, as as a citizen, as a person that’s not an attorney, but has lived enough life to be wise. What are your thoughts when you hear deputize and defend?

Shonda King 16:26
Well, I feel that deputizing would be a great idea. But the United States due to all of the protests that we’ve had than the past several, five years, at least five to seven years. Okay. And for those worth to try,

Trenton Garmon 16:43
yeah, for those just joining us, deputize and to lay out kind of context, legally speaking, the county sheriff’s in each county can deputize private citizens. And we think the answer to the de fund movements challenge is that they have to provide a redress remedy, not just do away with police in an area because we know there’s going to need to be police activity, if you will. It’s just a matter of who carries that out. So we have pushed and promoted a three to one deputize to de fund city bill that’s being drafted and I hope is going to be taken up. Obviously state legislators can receive bills and present them but we think the city within a municipality should allow for the city voters to consider do we want to defund our police bring reform in a way that is real in a substantial, but we also know as citizens and people that have any inkling of how this world really works, that if you go defending a police department, there is going to be unchecked crime. And there’s not going to be the opportunity to turn and call and have the same response to 911. But if the local sheriff’s as part of their bill requested by the city to deputize three private men or women, and they would be working their jobs coming and go and to and fro just like you would in everyday life, but they’re deputized in that city if the people believe that there needs to be the funding that deputizing in the funding, I believe is the solution to unfortunately, police department corruption. What are your thoughts with the with the defunding and the people’s right to speak? Do you think that’s something that the city should take up? Or what is your perspective? mashanda?

Shonda King 18:35
Yes, I feel that the city should try this method. Because like you say it wants to define the process goes into effect. If it does. I think there will be more crime or higher rise in crime. So we definitely need citizens to be on the lookout is we’ll so you’re a great a proactive response.

Trenton Garmon 18:58
But you don’t think that the wheels are going fall off if the police department’s defunded users think there’s going to be an increase in crime? I

Shonda King 19:06
think it was I

Trenton Garmon 19:07
guess unless they procedurally speaking the same level of crime could be there could increase. It could be that it seems like it’s increased because the police force at that point has been defunded. But I do think that there are cities that absolutely need to give way the people the right to vote. But I think it is a fundamental error to defend the department without bringing any proactive if you will, any redress to what you’ve brought up, it’s going to be a void. It’s going to be a void in law enforcement. But again, the three to one ratio, deputize and private citizens, and these are elected officials and be the sheriff in that county that the cities contained within is choosing three to three men to one man or three men and women to one officer that at that point has been funded. would you vote? You’re a citizen of which municipality now if you live in a city in Mississauga?

Shonda King 20:08
Yes, I would vote definitely for deputizing. Because three mean to one share deputy is way better to fight crime.

Trenton Garmon 20:20
Okay. Well, it would be three private citizens that are deputized by the county sheriff. And the officer would be a defunded officer of the city, that the people, we the people in that city vote to have the deputize and to defend him. What are you thinking as far as challenges? What would be the main challenge to the deputize? And do you do you think people will feel comfortable with a co employee or with their neighbor being deputized? What are your thoughts with it as as one of the we the people?

Shonda King 20:54
Yes, but I think we would have to worry about favoritism being shown due to who know who and who’s gonna look out for the best interests of their neighbor or their family.

Trenton Garmon 21:07
Well, that same concern, I guess, that people have with the funded police departments, but you’re saying a form of either nepotism favoritism where they’re they’re taking care of their own, but does that not in part solved when your neighbor, depending on who they are? You know, they’re deputize, and so was the person three or four neighborhoods over? That you may know or might not know, you know, there’s always going to be relational tension. But I think that really empowers we the people, and it brings checks to those municipalities. Not every city has a corrupt police department. They’re undoubtedly in, you know, this is an executive branch statement, not a judicial branch statement. I believe in our courts, I believe in our judges, and I think the hope for America is good judges and good juries. But we have within the executive branch police departments where the entire department is more likely than not, if audited focusing on revenue driven justice, rather than securing the life liberty and pursuit of happiness rights, avoid the people. So I believe the deputize and de fund perspective is the answer to a lot of the police brutality that we see. And some of the concerns. Another opportunity, I think that we the people have to take up is public awareness, public information, there is a site that we are working on and we’ll be launching, it’s going to be on G file dot legal, but it will be a citizen reported profile for each officer. Obviously, the citizen can upload positive things or can upload negative encounters, but it’s going to be the opportunity for the people to have a central database it at this point, we do not have that we the people own and have unfettered access to. So what are your thoughts with a centralized database? Do you think if we had deputize and define in certain areas, and there’s other areas that the police department maintains their same level of staffing? Do you think that that public awareness of each officer is driven by We the People, do you think that’s going to be a positive thing? Or do you think it would definitely cause more you think it would be helpful?

Shonda King 23:29
Yeah, okay, wonderful.

Trenton Garmon 23:30
Shonda, going back just briefly, to police brutality, if you’re a beautiful woman, African descent, I’m Native American, Irish English descent. And I can tell you before two years ago, I did not have any distrust of the police. I just did not, but as of about the past two years have fundamentally changed my perspective. But tell me growing up as African American woman in America, what has been your perspective? And then why if you do believe that some of these reforms need to be really pushed, why do you believe they need to be pushed?

Shonda King 24:12
Well, I think they need to be pushed due to racism still exist. And I think a lot of brutality comes from officers being racist, and you cannot hit our officers get off on doing the crime, you got to punish them. So other options would take E and just stop and cease the brutality.

Trenton Garmon 24:33
So you believe there is systematic racism, which is the outcry of the far left and some in the right camp, and I believe statistically, we can show that because of the dragnet of laws and the broadness of officer discretion. So this was Trenton garma with G file radio. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to those who haven’t joined us in the past. We’ll be back on next Saturday, same time 855 99 Trent with your questions

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