Meet Fred and Keeley - the husband and wife team behind Bend, Oregon based “Fred Real Estate Group". With over 100 brokers, they’re the largest firm in Central Oregon. Even as a large size group, they are unlike a corporate-run business. They take an intentional approach to creating a company culture that is centered around authenticity and relationships. Staying away from competitive styles of marketing between agents, they put a strong emphasis on creating a collaborative environment. This is also the secret to their success that has led them to 20 years of marriage. On top of that, they have consistently come in at #2 in the Central part of the state. Find out how Fred and Keeley are staying ahead of the curve in this week's podcast episode. 


01:10  How it all began after Fred lost his job in 2001 after the 911 attacks, getting his real estate license in Portland, to eventually leaving corporate real estate and launching Fred Real Estate Group with Keeley.

6:10 Tracey on staying true to yourself and what you do well 

07:49 Keeley on her role with the company as a self-trained marketing lead learning as she went, her background and how these formed their company culture

12:08 Tracey on how real estate company culture has shifted  away from corporate style firms

14:02 Fred and Keeley on how their focus camaraderie leads to a positive, open, and communicative company environment, building better agents

19:38 The reality of the challenges of being a real estate agent

23:46 Tracey and Keeley on coming back to core ethics, keeping it simple with tools and avoiding “shiny object syndrome”

28:36 Tracey on the biggest mistake she made in her real estate career

29:28 The systems Fred Real Estate uses to run their company

31:10 How keeping marketing from being copy/paste generic breaks through to consumers without making it complicated

34:43 Balancing life and company as a married couple with a family after 20 years

36:33 How they met and how their different approaches unite with what they have in common to form a strong family bond

39:26 On putting family first before the company and finding that balance

43:43 On how that balance translates directly back to the culture of communication in the company

45:22 Where to find them online

47:03 Closing thoughts on how having a different model and community