What makes your heart sing? How do you want to live? Who do you want to serve? These are three important questions that fuel Gabe Ratliff’s life and work as a podcaster, filmmaker, and coach for creative entrepreneurs. In this episode of Getting Work To Work, Gabe dives deep into his journey growing up as […]

The post “The Artful Entrepreneur” with Gabe Ratliff (GWTW326) appeared first on Chris Martin Studios.

What makes your heart sing? How do you want to live? Who do you want to serve? These are three important questions that fuel Gabe Ratliff’s life and work as a podcaster, filmmaker, and coach for creative entrepreneurs. In this episode of Getting Work To Work, Gabe dives deep into his journey growing up as a creative weirdo to launching his podcast and platform, The Artful Entrepreneur. We also talk about his insatiable curiosity, creativity as an act of sharing, growing community, and the power of sharing our stories.

Show Links

The Artful Entrepreneur
Chase Jarvis
Smart Passive Income – Pat Flynn
Entrepreneurs On Fire – John Lee Dumas
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Steve Sweatpants
Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business by Pat Flynn
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller
The Boys
Photo by Soroush Zargar on Unsplash
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The post “The Artful Entrepreneur” with Gabe Ratliff (GWTW326) appeared first on Chris Martin Studios.

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