Today on Getting Stoned, I want to tell you about some cool lava specimens I got in the mail last week. Earlier this month, a volcanic eruption in Iceland erupted and one of my friends actually was able to go and collect lava samples.

She did so safely and there's even a video she posted on her YouTube channel--the link will be below. Anyway, she was kind enough to send me a few samples. I took video and photos before applying glaze over the samples. She told me they would oxidize if I didn't apply any type of protective coating. She also told me that these samples came straight from the earth's magma.

In her video, you can clearly see her in a protective suit as she walks up to the lava flow which is black on the top yet liquid magma on the bottom. Using a tool, she digs into the molten lava and scoops it up--you can see her walking with the shovel carrying the molten lava. She deposited it into a container and the video ended.

I also created a video of the specimens and the link is below.

My friend’s video of her gathering lava.

My video of the samples.

About Getting Stoned.

Getting Stoned is a podcast about gems, minerals, and fun conversations that may go off-topic--but that’s perfectly fine. The mission of this podcast is to encourage folks to explore the wonderful world of crystals, gems, minerals, and the various ways they are used in life, technology, and more.

Sometimes I interview guests and other times I’m sharing something neat I found. If you enjoy this podcast please feel free to subscribe to my new YouTube channel, Getting Stoned Online.

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