Today on Getting Stoned, the possibility of several oceans worth of ancient water trapped in Martian minerals that are buried beneath the planet's surface.

This cool information comes from SciTechDaily and the article pointed out that most of the ancient water from Mars was buried in the planet's crust.

This information comes from a new study based on observational data and modeling. It shows that 99% of the planet's water was lost to irreversible crustal hydration--not lost in space.

Quoting from the article here: "Ancient Mars was a wet planet — dry riverbeds and relic shorelines record a time when vast volumes of liquid water flowed across the surface. Today, very little of that water remains, mostly frozen in the planet’s ice caps. Previous studies have assumed that the lost water escaped to space over several billion years, an assertion supported by the currently observed atmospheric D/H ratio. However, measurements of the current rate of atmospheric water loss are too low for atmospheric escape alone to explain all Martian water loss."

The article led to another one that pointed out that billions of years ago, Mars had an abundance of water--pools, lakes, and deep oceans. NASA-funded research found that between 30 and 99% of its water is trapped inside of minerals. The results were shared at the 52 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference by Eva Scheller and her fellow co-authors who conducted the study. She said that "Atmospheric escape doesn’t fully explain the data that we have for how much water actually once existed on Mars"

Here on earth, we have enhydro crystals (enhydro, enheedro, I’ve heard it pronounced both ways.) Enhydros are crystals that have ancient water in them. The only enhydros I have in my collection are Golden enhydros which has petroleum and not water.

It stands to reason that Mars, and probably other planets out there as well, would have enhydro crystals with more than water or petroleum in them.

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Getting Stoned is a podcast about gems, minerals, and fun conversations that may go off-topic--but that’s perfectly fine. The mission of this podcast is to encourage folks to explore the wonderful world of crystals, gems, minerals, and the various ways they are used in life, technology, and more.

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