Big Dog Felix has organized a Dare Night in Tree Hill and invites Lucas, Nathan, Haley, Peyton, Brooke, Tim, Fergie, Mouth, and Skillz to join in on the fun. In true Lucas fashion, he saunters the local mall naked as can be in search of carousels and mysterious women, while Tim gets his crack waxed, Mouth raps about ass, Nathan dresses up as a knock off Girl Scout, Peyton confesses her sins, and Brooke is forced to hang out with Felix (who, for a "player," really had to go all out just to hang with B Davis). Meanwhile, Karen is bookmarking the Tree Hill Community College Employee Conduct Code as her professor, Andy "money bags" Australian, won't stop hitting on her. Keith on the other hand has never been more turned on when he meets a Quirky Girl in the dealership who can't drive but likes mechanics. Can you say score?

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