After last week's high drama journey through tense family dinners and a near dead Papa Peyton, this week's episode starts out as a rage-inducing doozy with sneaky hallway kisses between Lucas and Peyton. Turns out, these two can't "bury" their feelings any more than Brooke can pick up on the sexual tension between her BF and her BFF. So begins the saga of Leyton creeping around and snagging smooches whenever they can, as Lucas continues to push for a real relationship, and Peyton agonizes over the reality of destroying her friendship with Brooke. After Haley sees them macking out in the library, she confronts Lucas and the two get into a big fight. Meanwhile, Dan's life is a disaster. So lonely at the beach house he almost dines with a beach whore, before realizing what a grave mistake this would be! Unfortunately, Deb walks in at just the wrong time and, seeing them together, assumes the worst. She wants a divorce and she wants it NOW! Keith spends the episode preparing for Karen to come home and pick up where they left off, when she kissed him at the airport. But when his nerves get the best of him, he slams down one too many Natty Lights and gets into a car crash on his way to pick up Karen from the airport. He may be fine, but baby boy Lucas is losing a lot of blood and is rushed to the hospital before FLAT LINING just as the credits roll. Whew! Lots of drama, but would we expect anything less? Join us for an impassioned discussion and all the overthinking you could ask for!

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