This week on One Tree Hill, it's the annual "Dan-Scott-House-Party-B-Ball-Crowd-Suckfest" and everyone's invited! Karen and Deb model healthy female bonding, while sad sack Dan eaves drops on his party guests all night long. Though Brooke may trigger our ASMR as she attempts to puppet master her way into Lucas' pants, Lucas wants all or nothing at all with Peyton, while Haley just hopes Nathan will call her if he needs *anything* at all. In other news, Whitey can't stop eating cashews, Jake is always late for practice (spoiler alert, it's not cancer), and Lucas doesn't actually like to read, he's just always ahead on his English homework. 

Join us for our re-watch of this week's awesome/mediocre episode, depending on which one of us you ask. We'll be waiting with bated breath.