“Should everything always be amazing, perfect and bubbly when you are together with your family 24/7 for weeks?!”

This summer I spent 5 weeks visiting my family in Europe. We did a lot of traveling together and made a ton of memories. It was -by far- my longest stay, and by the end of it the question I’ve wrote above popped in my head.

What happens when you are compressing a year worth of time with your loved ones in just a couple of weeks? How does it feel to move in with your parents for a month and a half? Is it possible to enjoy a vacation with different generations?

This podcast episode is a bit different than the others. I’ve recorded it during my vacation in Croatia, and I sure had a lot to say about the ups and downs of vacationing with your long distance relationship family. A little bit of guilt, frustration, and a lot of love! 


Watch video:http://bit.ly/EditVasadiYouTube

SHOW NOTES: https://editvasadi.com/LDR-family-vacation

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