When I hit record, I didn’t think this would be one of my most emotional episodes. I even got choked up just talking about my memories. I’m a bit embarrassed to be honest, but that’s life.

In today’s podcast episode I’m sharing my struggles with keeping up with my Hungarian heritage.

On March 15th we are celebrating a very significant holiday, the Hungarian Revolution. So I’m taking this opportunity to chat about what challenges I’m facing living so far from my country for more than a decade.



Photographing in Europe: http://europe.editvasadi.com/

GMM shop: http://shop.editvasadi.com/ (10%off sale)

Hungarian Heritage Day in Phoenix (on March 23rd): https://www.facebook.com/events/293543471332903/

Blog: http://editvasadi.com/losing-cultural-identity/

GMM COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingmarriedmulticulturally/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/editvasadi/