Conspiracy 420 Episode 86 Rock Apes

The Vietnam war changed those who experienced it forever. American GIs, trained for conventional warfare, were left scarred by an enemy who refused to engage on normal terms.

Then as now, the jungles of Vietnam are dense and mysterious, and many United States soldiers returned shaken, with stories that it was not just the enemy Viet Cong who were attacking them out there.
Some soldiers reported that they had been attacked by something else out there, humanoid creatures dubbed “rock apes” who left hardened combat troops frightened. Some even claim that the rock apes of Vietnam changed the course of the war.
Many believe in unknown large land animals which have yet to be discovered. Generally called “cryptids” these are usually fanciful tales of hidden alien visitors or a remnant population of dinosaurs. However, some, like these rock apes are more plausible.

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