How the official US poverty line actually creates more poverty. Jake Heller talks with policy experts Shailly Gupta Barnes and Shawn Fremstad. 

Shailly Gupta Barnes is Policy Director of the Kairos Center and the Poor People’s Campaign. Shawn Fremstad is Senior Policy Fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research.  


Quote 1: 

(35:30-35:57) It is only when those who are most impacted by the injustices of our current systems and structures, it's when they are formed and forged into a political force that real change, fundamental change, actually takes place. It's to see that our salvation as a nation, our improving, however we wanted to define that will come from the poor and dispossessed of today. - Shailly Gupta Barnes, Kairos Center

Quote 2:

(28:21-28:37) I think we forget sometimes that poverty can be a snapshot, but it's something that's more and more commonly experienced across the course of someone's life in this country. And that in and of itself is, it’s a moral and it's a political failure that we have to account for.  Shailly Gupta Barnes

Quote 3:

38:03-38:15 I think that's our task at hand is to build a power of, of everyday people, of the 140 million to take action together, um, and, and we'll see what change is possible from there. 

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